For the third edition of its NEW TALENTS group show, PEP invited artists from all over the world to share what they are most passionate about. The proposals received from the international call for entries for this exhibition were very diverse in themes and styles. The participating artists were invited to reflect on what is at the very heart of their practice as a photographer and to show what they have the most talent for. This way, they could fully express what really matters to them and what intrinsically drives them in their quest for images. From experimental techniques to documentary, still lives or urban photography, the proposed images were various and representative of a global and contemporary approach to the medium. Social, experimental, political, autobiographical, formal and conceptual angles now enter into dialogue in the context of a collective exhibition showcasing new visions of photography from 47 selected artists of 22 different nationalities.
The PEP New Talents 2021 group show will be on display from January 30 to March 27, 2022, at Kommunale Galerie Berlin.